Latest News

November 2023 Kyalite and Waikerie PIT Group Sessions are now online

The November 2023 PIT Group Sessions were well attended with 75 growers and Industry people across both meetings. The presentations, photographs and videos are now uploaded from the Thursday 16th…

Translated Indian Pistachio Health Benefits Factsheets

Why should nuts, including pistachios, be part of a healthy daily diet?Decades of research has highlighted the significant health benefits of nuts.A recent scientific review[1] found that eating a handful…

Turkiye’s Pistachio Report for the Current Season

Turkiye’s pistachio production in Marketing Year (MY) 2023/24 is forecast at 160,000 metric tons (MT). Production volumes will decrease compared to the previous MY since MY 2023/24 is considered an…

Dr. Brenda Kranz appointed PGA Executive Officer

Brenda has already started in the position and will be at the Spring Symposium in Mildura (see below).  Brenda has previously worked for Hort Innovation and Agrifutures Australia.  We welcome…

PGA Spring Symposium, AGM – Mildura 20th of September 2023

The Spring Symposium is being held on Wednesday 20th September 2023 at the Mildura Grand Hotel commencing at 9:00 am. This symposium will: Can you please register by returning the form…

September 2023 Chill Newsletter Number 4 is out

The final chill portions accumulation until 31st August ranged from 59 to 86 chill portions for thelocations forecasted. Renmark, furthest North latitude (34.2 degrees S) had the lowest chillaccumulation, just…

Trevor Ranford Wins Awards for Biosecurity

Trevor’s untiring work on Biosecurity issues for a number of Industries including Pistachios has been recognised at the National and State level.   Congratulations Trevor!  Left: Trevor is seen here receiving…

PIT Group Winter Sessions only a few days away

PISTACHIO MALE TREE DIEBACK, 2023 HARVEST, WINTER PRUNING, CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE, and FIELD WALK This round of PIT Group meetings is an update on male tree dieback, a report on the…

Lake Powell

Tuesday 20th of June, 12 Noon sharp for BBQ (Peter Holt’s)


Wednesday 21st of June, 12 Noon sharp for BBQ (Bob Hodgson’s) TOPICS (for both meetings):       There will be a BBQ lunch provided prior to the meeting.  For more information please…

Pest Information and Management Publications for Pistachio Crops

The pest information publications are now online in the Pest and Disease Management section of the of the “Pistachio Production Puzzle” page.   The files are in PDF form and can…

Wishing all PGA Members and their Familes a Very Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year!

Wishing you all the timeless treasures of Christmas – the warmth of home, the love of family, and the company of good friends.  May the New Year bring happiness and…

November 2022 PIT Group Sessions Presentations, Videos and Photos are online

The presentations and videos are now online from the most recent PIT Group sessions held at CMV Farms at Bannerton in Victoria on Wednesday the 9th of November and at…

Disease Management For Pistachio Orchards 2022/2023

It’s looking very wet out there, and the long term weather forecasts predict rain at least to the end of November.  This makes disease management in your orchards for the…

Next PIT Group Sessions 9th and 10th of November 2022 – RSVP Now Please!

BAD BUGS, BAGS, AND CUTICLE PROTECTION, SPRING SESSIONS TOPICS: Meeting 1:  Peter Holt’s Farm, Lake Powell, Victoria:  Wednesday 9th of November, 12.00 Noon sharp for a BBQ lunch followed by presentations and a…

PGA Spring Symposium, AGM and Industry Dinner

Notice is hereby given that the Pistachio Growers’ Association Inc Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 22nd September 2022 at 12.15 PM.   IThe AGM will be held in Mildura (venue to…

August 2022 Chill Newsletter Number 3 is out

Winter chill to the middle of August is very mixed. The main growing areas of Sunraysia and the Riverland are having below average chill, The eastern end of the growing area, Griffith and Wagga Wagga…

BEING WEEDSMART IN HORTICULTURE – Mildura Workshop – 1st of September

WeedSmart brings together a wealth of knowledge and experience from local and interstate growers, agronomists, and technology experts – putting the spotlight on herbicide resistance and weed control.   The Thursday…

July PIT Group Sessions Presentations, Videos and Photos are online

The presentations and videos are now online from the most recent PIT Group sessions held at The Grand Hotel Nyah West/Jeff Dickinson’s orchard on Wednesday the 27th of July and…

July 2022 Chill Newsletter Number 2 is out

Winter chill to the end of July is very mixed. The main growing areas of Sunraysia and the Riverland are having below average chill, The eastern end of the growing…

The PIT Group meeting Presentations and Videos from the May 19th meeting at Robinvale and CMV Farms are now on-line

THEME – Presentations and Modified Central Leader Pruning Review  The first PIT Group meeting after the 2022 harvest was held at the Robinvale Golf Club for 4 presentations then a…

Next round of PITGroup meetings Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th of July

The next round of PITGroup meetings will be held at Vinifera (Jeff Dickinson’s property) on Wednesday 27th of July and Cobdogla (Ian McFarlane’s property) at Noon, Thursday the 28th of…

Aspergillus Flavis AF36 Permit Issued for Pistachios

NOTE: Login required. Click on the permit number on that page –  PER90768 – for the PDF.

June 2022 Chill Newsletter Number 1 is out

Winter chill to the end of June is very mixed. The main growing areas of Sunraysia and the Riverland are having below average chill, The eastern end of the growing…

Summer and Pre-Harvest Seasonal Notes are available

Dr Ben Thomas has produces the first of the ‘Seasonal Notes’ for 2022. We are now in the nut fill period of the pistachio production cycle which is a critical…

VIII International Symposium on Almonds and Pistachios Davis, CA (United States of America), 19-24 June 2022

Join us for the ISHS 8th international Symposium on Almond and Pistachio presenting the latest California and international research covering a wide range of topics including rootstocks and scion breeding and…

Merry Christmas and a Happy, Prosperous and Safe New Year to All PGA Members from the Staff and Committee

Well, as 2020 draws to a close, we wish you all a Great Christmas Break if you are managing to have one.  It has been an interesting year with the…

Pistachios in the News.  A Story on Permedah Fruits and James Simpfendorfer

Hugh Schuitemaker from The Murray Pioneer has penned an article on Permedah Fruits and growing pistachios.

University of California November 2021 ‘In a Nutshell’ Pistachio Newsletter

Winter Chilling of Pistachio: Consequences of Low Chill and Implementation of Online Chill Calculators.

Latest PIT Group meeting, 2021 AGM reports, pictures, presentations and videos online

For those who missed out, or you perhaps just needing to refresh your memory, all the information, presentations and reports are online for the November PIT Group meetings at Paringa…

Chill Newsletter Number 4, final for 2021, September 2021

The PGA Chill Newsletter no. 4, the final report for the 2021 winter season is available, outlining the dynamic chill unit accumulation in different Pistachio growing locations in Victoria, New…

Chill Newsletter Number 3 August 2021

This gives growers valuable information to determine chill mitigation actions over the coming weeks.We would make the following additional comments: If you require any additional assistance please do not hesitate…

Chill Newsletter Number 2 July 2021

Winter chill to the end of July continues very mixed. The main growing areas of Sunraysia and the Riverland are continuing to be having below average chill with a high…

Chill Newsletter Number 1 June 2021

Chill data across the relevant Australian sites up to the 1st of July 2021.  The chill across the regions are either slightly up or down compared to the averages.  The…

Media Release – ANAO assessment of the department’s response to biosecurity non-compliance – 7 June 2021

The ANAO has completed an audit to assess the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment’s effectiveness in responding to non-compliance with biosecurity requirements. The department agreed to all eight…

We’re Hiring – Pistachio Researcher Wanted

Would you like to help growers in one of the best horticultural industries in Australia?  Well, here’s your chance. To maintain a highly profitable industry that is sustainable and rewarding…

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all PGA Members

2020 was indeed a difficult year with the pandemic figuring prominently – tempered by a generally good harvest and a thriving industry.  However, I’m sure many of us will be…

Minimising drip system drainage

Drip irrigation has become the standard irrigation system adopted for irrigated horticulture. Most irrigators are generally operating at a high level of efficiency.  Recent observations have highlighted that drip irrigators…

Latest 2020 Chill Newsletters, Issue 3 and 4

The last two chill newsletters are available for download.  Most growing areas have already achieved, as of the 13th August 2020, the recommended 59 Dynamic Chill units for this season.…

Late Winter/Spring Seasonal Notes out now

Dr Ben Thomas has prepared his latest update at what is needed to be done to prepare for the 2020/2021 growing season.

July 2020 Chill Newsletter

Winter chill so far has been above average. Most areas are likely to achieve the chill found by research to be sufficient.  More information and the regional chill accumulation graphs…

New – Oil Trial on Young Trees at Waikerie

Paul undertook a trial on his property in August of 2019 to help decide whether to use Summer or Winter oil on his young Pistachio trees in the dormant stage…

Winter Pruning of Pistachio Trees

The videos can be found in the (password protected) Production Puzzle Page, or alternatively the direct link to the Pruning section. Contact Trevor or Craig if you have forgotten your password

Permit Number – PER80806  for control of  BOTRYTIS ROT and ALTERNARIA LEAF SPOT in Pistachios has been updated

This permit has been updated and is current until the 31st of August 2025.  The permit can be downloaded from the PGA website Permit page – Note: this page is password protected.…

Pistachio Chill Requirements 2020 – Newsletter Number 1 out now

Please find linked below the PGA Chill Newsletter No 1 – 28th June 2020.  The results so far are promising with Chill hours above average in all sites. The next Newsletter…

California Pistachio Task List July 2020

Bob Bede’s latest paper on the state-of-play in the Californian Pistachio Industry. This year’s crop is estimates range from 750 to around 950 million pounds. Like 2018, this year’s cool…

Pistachio Industry Newsletter, Volume 13, June 2020

The latest Technical Bulletin from PGA. Six pages of the latest local and overseas news, technology and production solutions.

California Pistachio Task List June 2020

Bob Bede’s latest missive on the state-of-play in the Californian Pistachio Industry.  A ‘False Spring’ causing some concern with regard to early season leaf production. 

May 2020 Ag Chemical Update from Hort Innovation

This is a summary of various regulatory issues and chemical reviews currently underway both locally and internationally, produce by Kevin Bodnaruk of AKC Consuting.

Coronavirus:  Covid-19  Update

There is a lot going on in relation to the Coronavirus and I am sure there is some level of confusion.With harvest underway or about to start it is important…


Dr Ben Thomas has provided the latest in his seasonal reminder series. MANAGEMENT DURING NUT FILLWe are now in the nut fill period of the pistachio production cycle which is…

Agriculture, water and environment – a positive move for Australia

The changes to departmental structures announced by Prime Minister Scott Morrison today will strengthen the Government’s ability to deliver effective policy outcomes across agriculture, water and the environment for all…

Best practice biodiversity management front and centre

The Liberal and Nationals Government is delivering on an election commitment to explore the need and current tools available to farmers that could turn their natural resource management into increased…

PGA Pistachio Spring Symposium 2019

To be held on Wednesday 11th September 2019, in the Acacia Room at Agriculture VictoriaMildura Research Centre, Corner Eleventh St and Koorlong Ave Irymple VIC 3498 This symposium will:o Update…

Hort Innovation Call for Non-Executive Directors

Three Director positions are available on the Hort Innovation Board this year and the recruitment process has begun with a nation-wide advertising campaign and other below-the-line marketing activities. Rimfire Resources…

Demand for pistachios is going nuts giving growers good reason to smile.   ABC News online article 14/04/2019

Despite expanding their orchard Martin and James Simpfendorfer cannot keep up with demand.  Photo courtesy ABC Rural: Jessica Schremmer. A cold winter and hot summer has given pistachio growers good…

The May 2019 Task List for Pistachios by Bob Beede, University of California farm advisor now available

The latest task list for pistachios by Bob Beede. Even though the Caliufornians received good winter chilling this year, the cool spring weather has delayed pistachio leaf out and bloom by…

April 2019 PIT Group Sessions at Fisher in SA and Merbein in Victoria – report available

The 2019 Autumn Sessions of the PGA PIT Group program was well attended in the two locations (Riverland and Sunraysia) they were held.  Darin Gladigau’s property at Fisher in SA…

The April 2019 Task List for Pistachios by Bob Beede, University of California farm advisor now available

The latest task list for pistachios by Bob Beede.  As usual it is full of great information – but remember the US season is 6 months out!  Alternatively find it…

Announcement on Biosecurity Steering Committee – 5th March 2019

Minister for Agriculture David Littleproud has announced the chair and members of the biosecurity levy steering committee. The committee contains representatives from industry and farm groups to help steer an informed…

The Pistachio Industry Newsletter P.I. News, Technical Bulletin for January 2019

This ‘Technical Edition’ of PI News is prepared as one of the outputs of Project PS17002 – Technology Transfer for Pistachio growers utilising regional grower Tech Groups (PIT Groups) &…

University of California January 2019 Pistachio Tasks by Bob Beede

January 2019 Task List for Pistachios, by Bob Beede, UCCE Farm Advisor, Emeritus. A good read, guaranteed as usual by Bob, but keep in mind the 6 month difference! 

Latest US Chill paper by Dr Louise Ferguson and others

California growers in the San Joaquin Valley believe that climate change will affect the pistachio yield dramatically. As the central valley fog disappears, insufficient dormant chill accumulation results in poor…

PGA Seasonal Notes for January 2019 by Dr Ben Thomas

We are now in the nut fill period of the pistachio production cycle which is a critical phase of the pistachio production cycle when the kernel grows and causes the…

Managing the risks of working in heat from Safe Work Australia

Working in heat can be hazardous and can cause harm to workers. The human body needs to maintain a body temperature of approximately 37 degrees Celsius.  If the body has…

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Another year draws to a close and a new one about to start.  Overall it has been a great year for the Australian Pistachio Industry and on behalf of the…

Workplace Health and Safety

You may not realise it but farming is one of the most dangerous occupations in Australia. Only one in 10 workplaces are farms, yet they account for one quarter of…

Voice of Horticulture welcomes Federal Government’s endorsement to strengthen Australia’s biosecurity

The Federal Government has agreed to all recommendations made in an independent review of the Intergovernmental Agreement on Biosecurity (IGAB) – which has a mandate to strengthen Australia’s national biosecurity…

PMA A-NZ Produce Executive Program

The 2019 PMA A-NZ Produce Executive Program is now open for enrolment. The program is a fullyresidential business school style executive course combining skill development, industry learning and networking led…

NEW – November PIT Group and New Grower PIT Group Presentations and Photographs on-line now.

The very successful November 2018 PIT Group session at Martin Simpfendorfer’s property in the Riverland and Lake Powell session at Peter Holt’s property are now on-line.  Presentations and pictures can…


PGA is proposing to have a special PIT Group solely aimed at new and prospective pistachio growers. This is a meeting specifically aimed at new growers (with young trees) and…

Robinvale: Thursday 22nd of November, 9 am sharp

Address:  Robinvale Golf Club, 4240 Murray Valley Hwy, Robinvale VIC 3549               Josh Boram’s property, Corner of Mills Lane and Murray Valley Highway, Boundary Bend, Victoria, 3599…

PIT Groups – SPRING SESSIONS, November 20th and 21st.  RSVP NOW.

This round of PIT Group meetings is an update on nutrition management and budgeting for your orchard, a pest and disease update and resultant sanitation and biosecurity needs.  The Pistachio…

Paringa: Tuesday 20th of November, 12 Noon sharp

Address: Martin Simpfendorfer’s property, Permedah Fruits, 21731 Sturt Highway, Parings, South Australia, 5340

Lake Powell: Wednesday 21st of November, 12 Noon sharp

Address:  Peter Holt’s property, 76 Zara Lane, Lake Powell, Victoria, 3597 TOPICS (for both meetings): Contact Craig on 0437 307 590 for more information.

NEW- QLD Gov/HIAL Online Chill Calculator

This site accesses daily weather station data for the period 1968 to the current year for 600 locations across Australia. This data is used to make calculations for the accumulation…

Two Industry Stalwarts Honoured with PGA Life Memberships

Barb Isaacson and Dennis Lambert were recognised for their service to the Pistachio Industry and PGA (approximately 30 years) with Life Membership Awards at the 2018 PGA Symposium at Robinvale. …

Pistachio Irrigation Research Paper by Louise Ferguson et. al.

Sustainability of pistachio production (Pistacia vera L.) under supplemental irrigation in a Mediterranean climate. The paper looks at the effects of supplemental micro-irrigation in a commercial rainfed orchard.  Irrigating with…

2018 PGA Symposium, Robinvale. RSVP Now Please.

The Pistachio Spring Symposium and Annual General Meeting will be held:                ON:        Thursday 13th September 2018                AT:         8:30 am at CMV Farms, Robinvale.Followed by meeting at 10:00 am at the Robinvale Golf…

Tenth Edition Of the National Plant Biosecurity Status Report by PHA now available

The tenth edition of the National Plant Biosecurity Status Report has been released this week by Plant Health Australia.  The report is a guide to how Australia protects itself against…

2018 Chill newsletter out now

Winter 2018 started out being very warm with few Chill Portions accumulated. June has been colder than average bringing the accumulated Chill close to average. We still need a cold…

June 2018 PIT Group meeting videos and presentations are now uploaded

The June 2018 round of PIT Groups were held at the Loxton Research Centre and Irymple Research Centre (AgVic). 28 growers and Industry people attended the meetings. Dr Ben Thomas…

Pistachio Pest Detector

As seen during the June 2018 PIT Group meetings, pests whether new to Australia or old pests of other crops that have changed lifestyle/food sources can cause enormous amounts of…

New – Dr. Jianlu Zhang’s Farewell – Retirement Dinner, Mildura Friday 8th of June (updated)

Thirty three members and guests gathered at the Grand Hotel Bistro on a cold, wet Friday night to honour Dr. Jianlu Zhang’s contribution to the Pistachio Industry in Australia over…

Don’t Forget: Dr Jianlu Zhang’s Retirement Dinner This Friday 8th June

PGA invites you to a night of celebration as Dr Jianlu Zhang retires after 15 years of pistachio research and development.

VoH welcomes Federal Budget’s support of export markets and biosecurity

The continued efforts made by Voice of Horticulture (VoH) in lobbying the Federal Government in terms of a policy and budget focus on biosecurity and exports, has seen fruition in…

Bob Beede, University of California February Task List

The latest update from Bob Beede on the Californian Pistachio Industry.  The update covers Rain and Irrigation (no rain!), an update on chill requirements, the use of oil for the…

Voice of Horticulture calls for policies to be put in place to deal with harassment

With the current volatile political environment, the Voice of Horticulture is calling on all its members to ensure they have the correct policies and procedures in place within their organisation…

Pistachio Seasonal Reminders. Summer and Pre-Harvest 2017/2018. An update by Ben Thomas.

Welcome to 2018! Hopefully, you all had a break during the Festive period and are refreshed and ready for the upcoming harvest period. We are now in the nut fill…

California’s Pistachio and Almond Industry Presentation

David Doll is a University of California Cooperative Extension nut crop pomology farm advisor for Merced County, the 4th largest producing county of almonds in California. His primary roles are…