By becoming a financial member of the Pistachio Growers’ Association, you are contributing to an organisation that exists to advocate for the interests of growers and the industry. The PGA engages professionals to represent the industry in multiple areas, including research, extension and executive functions.
The pistachio industry is unique in that PGA is funded by voluntary contributions made by more than 95% of growers. Growers are able to contribute based on $0.07/kg for marketable nuts produced. In addition, growers with young non-bearing trees can contribute at a rate of $20/ha. Read more on this on our Contributions and Funding page.
These funds, along with matching funds from the Australian government through Hort Innovation, support industry-based research and development projects.
As a member of PGA, you are entitled to have direct input into these projects and associated activities by nominating for a position on the Executive Committee or the Research Committee, and/or participating at the Annual General Meeting.
Membership Categories
There are two membership categories, which have pricing and benefits specific to each:
- Grower Members: persons or corporations that have planted pistachio trees and have an interest in the objectives of the PGA
- Associate Members: persons or corporations who have not planted pistachio trees but have an interest in the objectives of the PGA