The pistachio growers association
A highly profitable industry that is sustainable and rewarding for existing growers and attractive to new growers
Industry representative body for pistachio growers
The Pistachio Growers’ Association Inc (PGA) is the peak industry body for the Australian pistachio industry.
Formed in 1985, it supports members by representing the interests of a small but growing community of pistachio producers across the country.
The PGA is dedicated to fostering collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and advocating for the unique needs of members, who range from small family farmers to large corporate organisations.
Funded by voluntary contributions from growers, the PGA directs these funds, together with matching funds from the Australian Government through Hort Innovation, towards research programs to find solutions that address key problems in this rapidly growing industry.
This includes research into improving orchard productivity, such as through improved crop nutrition, management of low chill, pests and diseases, and better understanding the impacts of climate variability.
In addition, the PGA drives the registration and permits of the necessary farm chemicals through the complex approvals process.

The pistachio industry’s main goals are to:
- Maximise sustainable yields of high-quality pistachio nuts from Australian orchards through improved production tools.
- Maximise consumer perceptions of Australian pistachio nuts by constantly improving appearance and taste in the orchard as well as by promoting health benefits in the market place.
- Maximise returns to Australian pistachio growers by constantly improving efficiencies in the distribution channel from the orchard to the consumer.
Not a member?
Australian Industry

There is a single, national organisation - Pistachio Growers’ Association (PGA). There are no formal state or regional groups although the Western Australian growers tend to operate a discussion group for geographic reasons.
Grower Groups

Pistachio Information and Technology Groups (PIT Groups) are an initiative of PGA beginning 2014 in the main pistachio production regions. These are organised by the PGA at least three times a year. PIT Groups are a valuable source of information on all aspects of production, from irrigation through chill hours to harvesting. They provide the opportunity for pistachio growers to meet with each other and industry experts.
Consumers and Health

The regular consumption of pistachios has been long shown as very positive for human health, particularly heart health. The PGA supports the dissemination of this science to Australian consumers.