Hort Innovation Call for Non-Executive Directors

Three Director positions are available on the Hort Innovation Board this year and the recruitment process has begun with a nation-wide advertising campaign and other below-the-line marketing activities.

Rimfire Resources have been appointed as the specialist recruiters, and any queries regarding the Director positions should be referred to Mick Hay or Sharon Moloney – their contact details are available on the AGM 2019 page on our website.  Applications close on Monday 8 July, 2019.

Information and documentation on the positions, the skills that are required and the recruitment and application process can be found on Hort Innovation’s website here: http://www.horticulture.com.au/agm-2019

AGM:  Hort Innovation’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2019 will be held on 22 November in Sydney. We encourage members of the company to become involved and will send you more information over the coming months as well as publish it on our website at: http://www.horticulture.com.au/agm-2019

For levy-paying members

If you are a levy-paying member and would like to vote at the AGM this year, we remind you to:

  • Ensure your company nominated representative email and postal address details are up to date. If you are unsure or believe they may have changed, contact Hort Innovation on (02) 8295 2300 or: communications@horticulture.com.au
  • Complete your levy return form in a timely manner – this will be sent directly to you in August. We encourage online levy returns but also provide an option in hard copy.

For non-levy-paying members

Non-levy-paying members of Hort Innovation are welcome to attend the AGM and ask questions. You are also encouraged to update your contact details if they have changed over the year. You can do this by contacting Hort Innovation on (02) 8295 2380 or:  communications@horticulture.com.au.

Click here for the complete press release in PDF form: HI_AGM_directors_Press

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