November 2023 Kyalite and Waikerie PIT Group Sessions are now online

The November 2023 PIT Group Sessions were well attended with 75 growers and Industry people across both meetings. The presentations, photographs and videos are now uploaded from the Thursday 16th of November PIT Group Session in Kyalite, NSW and Friday 17th of November session in Waikerie, South Australia. The report, presentations, photographs and videos can […]
Translated Indian Pistachio Health Benefits Factsheets
Why should nuts, including pistachios, be part of a healthy daily diet?Decades of research has highlighted the significant health benefits of nuts.A recent scientific review[1] found that eating a handful (28g) of nuts a day, compared to eatingno nuts, was associated with: These factsheets and more health information including videos can be found in the […]
Turkiye’s Pistachio Report for the Current Season
Turkiye’s pistachio production in Marketing Year (MY) 2023/24 is forecast at 160,000 metric tons (MT). Production volumes will decrease compared to the previous MY since MY 2023/24 is considered an “off-year” in the production cycle for pistachios. Still, production will not be as low as some of the earlier off-years. Production will be buoyed by […]
Dr. Brenda Kranz appointed PGA Executive Officer
Brenda has already started in the position and will be at the Spring Symposium in Mildura (see below). Brenda has previously worked for Hort Innovation and Agrifutures Australia. We welcome Brenda to the position and very much look forward to working with her.
PGA Spring Symposium, AGM – Mildura 20th of September 2023
The Spring Symposium is being held on Wednesday 20th September 2023 at the Mildura Grand Hotel commencing at 9:00 am. This symposium will: Can you please register by returning the form or just e-mailing your attendance and any dietary requirements. We look forward to seeing as many of you on the 20th so that you can meet […]
September 2023 Chill Newsletter Number 4 is out
The final chill portions accumulation until 31st August ranged from 59 to 86 chill portions for thelocations forecasted. Renmark, furthest North latitude (34.2 degrees S) had the lowest chillaccumulation, just achieved 59 chill portions. Albury the furthest South latitude (36.31 degrees S) had the highest chill portions of 86 accumulated for the 2023 winter season. […]
Trevor Ranford Wins Awards for Biosecurity
Trevor’s untiring work on Biosecurity issues for a number of Industries including Pistachios has been recognised at the National and State level. Congratulations Trevor! Left: Trevor is seen here receiving his 2022 Australian Biosecurity Award, presented by Senator Murray Watt, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. Report and Photographs courtesy of Neville Sloss, Australian Nutgrower […]
PIT Group Winter Sessions only a few days away
PISTACHIO MALE TREE DIEBACK, 2023 HARVEST, WINTER PRUNING, CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE, and FIELD WALK This round of PIT Group meetings is an update on male tree dieback, a report on the 2023 harvest, Dr Maha’s report on the Pistachio Conference in California and winter pruning and much more…….
NEW – June 2023 PIT Group Winter Sessions Report, Photographs and Videos now online
The report and videos can be found here (Login may be required):
Lake Powell
Tuesday 20th of June, 12 Noon sharp for BBQ (Peter Holt’s)