Pistachio Links
Click on the name to go the website
Pistachio Councils and Committees
- Administrative Committee for Pistachios – serving the Californian Pistachio Industry
- Australian Nut Industry Council
- Australian Nutgrower journal
- International Nut and Dried Fruit Council Foundation – INC
- Australian Pesticides & Veterinary Medicines Authority
- Australian Pioneer Pistachio Company Pty Ltd
- Harefield Pistachios
- Horticulture Australia
- Nuts For Life
- Nut Producers Australia
- Plant Health Australia
- Primary Industries and Resources South Australia
- Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation
- Some pistachio recipes – From Bon Appetit
- South Australian Research & Development Institute
- Sydney Postharvest Laboratory
- University of Californian Fruit and Nut Research Information Centre
- University of California, Kern County Pistachio Notes
- W.A. Pistachios