
Winter Pruning of Pistachio Trees

A new video series showing techniques for winter pruning of pistachio trees at Kyalite Pistachios. The trees are modified central leader from year 1 through to year 4 with Andrew Bowring sharing his knowledge.

First Winter:

Second Winter:

Third Winter:

Fourth Winter:

Pistachio Pruning Videos

A series of short videos featuring Robert Beede, Kings County Farm Advisor, and Chris Wiley, Ranch Manager Agri-World, in commercial pistachio orchards in Madera Co., California, demonstrating the pruning and training of pistachios from planting to maturity.

Pistachio Pruning & Training – The First & Second Years

Pistachio Pruning & Training – Years 3 to 5

Pistachio Pruning & Training – Years 6 to 8

Pistachio Pruning & Training – The Mature Tree part 1 of 3: Using hand shears.

Pistachio Pruning & Training – The Mature Tree part 2 of 3: Removing unproductive lower limbs.

Pistachio Pruning & Training – The Mature Tree part 3 of 3: Using pole shears.

A great link for more-detailed  videos: Robert Beede’s Kings Co. website