Pest & Disease Management - Biosecurity For Pistachios

Biosecurity planning provides a mechanism for the nut industry, government and other relevant stakeholders to actively determine pests of highest priority, analyse the risks they pose, put in place procedures to reduce the chance of pests becoming established, rapidly detect any incursion and/or minimise the impact if a pest incursion occurs.

Pistachio Growers’ Association Inc is strongly committed to ensuring the Pistachio industry effectively reduces the potential for incursions of emergency plant pests and diseases that could adversely impact on domestic trade, international trade, market access, public health, food safety, regional and national economy and the environment. The Pistachio Industry is also strongly committed to ensuring responses to any pest incursions that may occur are undertaken as rapidly and effectively as possible to minimise costs to growers, the industry, other plant industries, government parties and the wider community.